
Your partners for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

Create innovative industrial solutions using our industry-grade Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication that sends you time- and safety-critical data with highest reliability.

Optimized Firmware


Our mission is to be the leading provider of cutting-edge BLE technology, empowering our customers to achieve their goals with seamless communication and unparalleled reliability.

Unlock the full potential of wireless devices through the power of BLE technology
We're dedicated to providing innovative wireless solutions based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) that revolutionize the way we connect and communicate in the modern world.
Unlock the full potential of wireless


We are driven by values

At the heart of our business are our core values, which guide everything we do. These values include:
We are driven by values
We believe that expertise is fundamental for providing the best solutions to our customers. Therefore, we are dedicated to staying ahead of the curve and continuously improving our services.
We believe that reliability is the foundation of any successful wireless solution and every partnership, and we're dedicated to providing dependable services and support to our customers.
We're committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible with BLE technology, creating innovative solutions that unlock new possibilities for our customers.
We see ourselves as reliable, long-term partners to our customers, providing customized solutions that are tailored to their unique needs.


Core Team

Meet the founding team of DEWINE Labs
Michael Spörk
Doctor in Information and Computer Engineering, Expert in Reliable Bluetooth Low Energy.
Rainer Hofmann
Rainer Hofmann
Dipl.-Ing. in Information and Computer Engineering, Expert in Cross-Technology Communication.
Adrian Muzler
Adrian Muzler
MSc in Business Administration, Expert in Finance and Early-Stage Funding.


Trusted by

Here is a selected list of companies we helped so far.
AriseHealth logoOE logo2020INC logo
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Our partners:
Years of engineering
custom wireless solutions
Years of experience in the field
of embedded systems
Reliability of the wireless protocols
provided by DEWINE Labs
Digital products connected
wirelessly supported by us
Get in touch with your trusted BLE tech partner.
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